Once you’ve selected your farm fresh Christmas tree from your favorite New Hampshire Christmas tree farm, there are a few things you can do to keep it fresh and fragrant through the holidays. When a Christmas tree is cut, more than half its weight is water, so much of keeping your tree happy involves making sure it’s able to take in the water it needs. Here are some tips for keeping your Christmas tree farm fresh!

* Make sure your tree stand is the right size for your tree – and that it can hold plenty of water in the reservoir. Christmas tree stands should provide a quart of water per inch of stem diameter.
* Check the water level regularly to ensure the base of the tree is submerged.
* Keep your tree away from heat sources like fireplaces and radiators to prevent excessive drying.
* Use Christmas tree lights that produce only low heat to prevent drying. Lights should be inspected prior to use and replaced if they are worn. And they should always be turned off when you’re leaving the house or going to bed!
* When you’re ready to bid adieu to your Christmas tree after the holidays, check with your local transfer station on recycling options. Christmas trees should never be burned in a wood stove or fireplace, as they create creosote and can lead to a chimney fire.
For more tips on keeping your tree farm fresh, visit the New Hampshire Christmas Tree’s tree care page.
From our farms in New Hampshire, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!